Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Do you think our educational system is effective or do you think changes need to be made?

I think our educational system is very effective, but does need a few changes. Our education system is effective because it gives students more than enough time to grasp the information. This is only if they are taking full advantage of the educational system. The changes we need are in the curriculum and the discipline. The curriculum needs to be more interesting something that’s grabs the student’s attention. No exceptions when it comes to behavior you do the crime you must do the time.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Response Let Teen-agers Try Adulthood(For You To Analyze)

 Botstein is writing for the older audience in the essay “Let Teen-agers Try Adulthood”. Botstein structures his appeal by saying that school sports are dominating the studies in school. He also says that the educational process is too long and that years should be taken off of it. Botstein appeal about sports I agree with because athletes' are given certain privileges because the scored the game winning touchdown at Saturdays game. I disagree with his appeal about the education process because if you let kids out of school at a to early age the will be to naive and immature to survive in the “grown up” world as they call it.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Response to Where College Fails Us

My experiences of college are all great experiences that have open me to new things. One new thing that I experienced in college was having the freedom to whatever I want when I want to do it. It’s such a relief not having to get permission from my parents to do things I want to do. Another great experience that I’ve had is visiting other colleges and meeting different people most from the opposite sex. The reason I am here in college is first to get my degree in physical education and minor in athletic coaching so that I can pursue a carrier of being a high school physical education teacher and  football coach. The second reason I am here is to get away from home my parents and younger siblings specifically and to have fun. My mother told me the people I meet here in college I will know for the rest of my life, as I meet new people everyday  I’m starting to think my mother’s right. To me college is worth the time effort and expense if you make the best out it. By this I mean having fun, going to different events on campus, going to parties, going out with friends, and not just staying in your dorm room. Life is not just all work

Self Evaluation

What is the thesis for your paper?
My mother showed me that just because you may not finish college directly after high school, you can always return to get a greater education.
List the main points you make in your paper.
·         Why my mother dropped out of college
·         What made her go back to college
·         How she managed a family and school
·         The outcome of her going back to school
What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
The most helpful advice I received from my peer evaluation is to give more detail on why my mother’s mom was about her dropping out of school.
What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
The most helpful information I received in class was to create an outline to help with writing my paper.
How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting?
I wrote three drafts of this paper, and when I did I had to write them in small chunks because I would really try my hardest to translate my mom’s story.
What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on?
To make this paper more effectively I would give more details on how my grandmother felt when my mother dropped out of college, and I would also give my mother a better introduction.
What are you most pleased with about this paper?
The thing I am pleased with about this paper is writing the paper its self .I thought It would be impossible for me to write this paper but it turned out it was easier than I thought .

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A writer's Response to Becoming Educated

My early expectations of my college courses were that the college classes were going to be so hard that I would not want to be attending school very long. The reality of this was the classes were not hard at all they were challenging but not anything that I thought they would be. Yes there are two main similarities that both Jordan and I encountered in our college experience. The first similarity being that we both had not taken school seriously before getting to college, for me this mostly being socializing are just not doing the work given to me. The second similarity being that I had to read, and study more than I had ever done in my entire learning carrier. This meaning that I would not just have to read but read with understanding and concern of what I was reading.     

Response to Interview Questions

1.     What questions still remain?
I have only one question that still remains and that is; What carrier path would my mother have  chosen if she had not dropped out of college ?
2.     How did it go?
The interview went great the interviewee answered all the questions with great detail.
3.     Where did you conduct it?
The interview was held in North St.louis, Mo. at my home.
4.     What did you learn?
That the interviewing process is harder than it looks to be.
5.     How do you intend to transition to the writing process?
I am going to look at all of the examples given to me and take advice from them ,and or ask for help in my workshop.
6.     What concerns do you have?
The concerns that I have are how I will  write my thesis and conclusion.
7.     How do you expect to overcome them?
I’m going to look at the thesis Ms.Chastain provided and try to model my thesis off of the example for my conclusion I will just tell what I learned from the interview and how my mother life is now.